Earlier this year, Ella visited the LPC in search of a new prosthetic leg that that would fit in with her “taking back her life” attitude after limb loss. We are thrilled to share some highlights of Ella’s performance on the 17th July at the Comedy Store in London with her resident choir, The Stratford East Singers which helped raise funds for her new prosthesis.
Click here to watch the video.
Ella’s extraordinary accident occurred in May 2016, where she was out jogging and tripped. She fell in such a way that her knee dislocated and a bone severed a major artery preventing any circulation to her foot. The resulting injury meant that amputation of her right leg below the knee was recommended. After an intense rehabilitation process, Ella recently met with Abdo at the clinic and plans were set in motion for a custom made high definition silicone leg alongside a prosthetic foot with adjustable height allowing her to have a steady gait on all terrains. Further ensuring Ella would be able to go about her daily life with more confidence and mobility. Ella’s full story, “Why recovery is a family affair” can be found in the Step Forward magazine from Limbless Association but read below for a short snippet.
“With the help of Mum, I gradually found reasons to smile. When you’re a new amputee, it can often feel as if everything has changed. And yet, nothing is as heartbreakingly different as I’d imagined from my hospital bed. I’m back living with my sister and friend in my flat, I’m back at the office, and I still take part in the things I enjoyed before the accident. While I won’t be scaling mountains any time soon, Mum has taught me to look inside myself when life seems tough. With her by my side, I know how to grasp hold of that inner, inherited strength and keep my focus on the bright future that lies ahead.”